erlene 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If the children ruled the world, the world will turn into playground style. You can see the playdoll, PS games, games machine, toy shop every where. And they will fix a rule for every street must have a sweet and chocolate shop. They will create a special big size toy car to replace the real car. And every thing of the world will let the toy replace it. And main course of food will turn into junk food. The world will turn into very magical and everyone in the world will very happy especially the children. 

erlene 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I have so much thing to do.. but hor i also very lazy to do~~ so if i do my work no enough time for lazy, then if i lazy no enough time for my homework... >< so sad~~ why?? all assignment come together de... why all activities come together de.... why why tell me why~~~~~ feel so 讨厌... T.T


erlene 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

其实是每一天都很懒惰做功课~~ 每次有空时,开始都会觉得很开心,但一想到还有功课没做就...... 很down...

为什么一就没有功课, 不然全部都堆在一起.... so bored do so many work in one time.... ><

erlene 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

In the future, all the book will be replace by computer. By today, science and technologic are improves everyday. So that you can imaging that the future wil become more high technlogic things to apply for us. People in the future, they no need to read any book, there got one kind of wafer for us straight set into your brain so you will never forget it. Of cause, you also can delete it. For learning the fist positions to protect yourself. There got a machine, you can choose any kind of fist positions for you want to learn. Then, set the program, the program will send into your brain. That's all for my opinion for how will people learn in future.

erlene 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Why the people kill the animal by the cruelty way? Animal also a life, how the people kill them but feel nothing. When i saw the video for the animal cruelty i feel so scare and horrible for the people who kill the animal. Is that the people in this year have no more sympathy?

Is that the people know, animal also got feeling also will feel pain. If the animal killer got feeling, how could them treat the animal like that? Hope they can stop their cruelty action.

erlene 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
